How to Replace a Lost or Stolen NEXUS Card


How to Replace a Lost/Stolen/Damaged NEXUS Card

The conditions of NEXUS membership require you to report the loss or theft of your NEXUS Card as soon as possible. You also need to surrender your NEXUS Card if it is damaged to the point that it is not usable in a kiosk or is otherwise unreadable. You should report the loss, theft or damage of your NEXUS Card to an enrolment centre as soon as possible.

The fee for a replacement NEXUS Card is $25. (This is not the same as the fee for a regular renewal, which is $50 each time you renew, every 5 years.)


Replace Your NEXUS Card

You can only replace your lost, stolen or damaged card in person.

  1. If your card was stolen, report the theft to the police to prevent identity theft.
  2. Travel in person to the nearest enrolment centre. You do not need to go to the centre you had your interview at and you do not need an appointment. Make sure to bring your passport and driver’s license (and bring your NEXUS Card if it is damaged rather than lost or stolen). Make sure to also bring a VISA or MasterCard.
  3. Pay the $25 fee. The fee will be charged in the currency of the country the NEXUS enrolment centre is located in. (So if you want to pay the fee in Canadian, please travel to a NEXUS Card enrolment centre located in Canada.)
  4. Your NEXUS Card will be mailed to your mailing address on file within 10 calendar days. If you have moved since you got your latest NEXUS Card you will need to bring a proof of address to the enrolment centre as well.


Border Cards
Border Cards
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